DCPS Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Submitted School Budget Comparisons

At the bottom of this screen is the DCPS Interactive Data Center. Below is a brief description of each dashboard which provides a unique view of budget data within a school and across schools.

Dashboard 1: Welcome to the DCPS Interactive Data Center

This serves as a launching page for navigating through dashboards 2 – 7. Click on the blue buttons or the arrows at the bottom of each page.

Dashboard 2: District Overview

Click on the “District Overview” button below to see an overview of the submitted budgets across the district. Use the drop-down menus on the left side under “Select a Ward” and “Select a School Type” to customize the data you see on the page.

Dashboard 3: Single School Overview

Click the “Single School Overview” button below to dive deeper into a single school’s budget. Choose a school under the “Select a School” drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner.

Dashboard 4: School Personnel (PS) and Non-Personnel (NPS) Spending

Click the “School PS and NPS” button to view the budgeted personnel (staff) and non-personnel items for each school. Use the drop-down menu on the left side under “Select a School Type” and the “Select a Category” menu to customize the data you see on the page.

Dashboard 5: School Comparison

Click the “School Comparison” button to compare schools side-by-side. Use the drop-down menu “Choose a school” at the top of each column to select the schools you wish to compare.

Dashboard 6: Submitted Costs

Click the “Submitted Costs” button to compare the final budgeted amount in different categories of the selected school. Use the drop-down menus on the top of the page labeled “Select a School Type,” “School Name,” and “Select a Ward” menu to customize the data you see on the page.

Dashboard 7: Submitted FTE Quantities

Click the “Submitted FTE Quantities” button to compare budgeted staff positions. Use the drop-down menus on the top of the page labeled “Select a School Type,” “School Name,” and “Select a Ward” menu to customize the data you see on the page.